Saturday, January 26, 2019

Robert Burns 260th Anniversary of Birth (Issued on January 25, 2019)

first day cover (click on the image for a larger image)

Transcamster Bog commemorates the 260th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, Scotland's most famous poet. The stamp is based on a painting by Alexander Nasmyth (oil on canvas, circa 1821-1822) which is based on a previous painting of 1787. The painting is in the National Portrait Gallery in London.

 The stamp is imperforate and ungummed (requires glue).

Transcamster Bog stamps are available on eBay, with sales in U.S. dollars on U.S. eBay and sales in British pounds on U.K. eBay.

If you want to buy in U.S. dollars and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.S. dollars:

If you want to buy in U.K. pounds and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.K. pounds:

You may also purchase stamps from me outside of eBay. Send an email to for information.

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