Saturday, February 1, 2020

Brexit Day: Britain Leaves the European Union (Issued on January 31, 2020)

First day cover (click on the image for a larger image)

On January 31, 2020, Britain left the European Union. Despite losing votes in Parliament and defections from his own party, Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally made Brexit occur. The decision to leave the European Union was hardly unanimous across the country, though; most Scots voted to stay within the E.U. 

Whether you approved of Brexit or not, it is undeniably an important event in the country's history. This stamp marks the occasion and depicts Boris Johnson, who was previously the subject of a 2019 Brexit Vote Defeat issue.

Transcamster Bog stamps are available on eBay. Listings are in either U.S. dollars or U.K. pounds; decide on the currency that you want to use and log into either the U.S. or U.K. eBay to use the shopping cart. The eBay store is at: