Saturday, January 21, 2017

Visits to the United States / Obama, Trump, and Inauguration Day Cover (Issued January 20, 2017)

Visits to the United States first day cover (click on the image for a larger image)

Donald Trump Inauguration Cover, postmarked in Washington, D.C. (click on the image for a larger image)

Transcamster Bog has issued a se-tenant pair of stamps to commemorate the Laird's visits to the United States in 2016 and 2017. The stamps depict the Laird and Presidents Obama and Trump (It is unlikely that the Laird will meet either President during his visits, but this issue was inspired by the Hutt River Province Principality's stamp commemorating Prince Leonard's visit to the Vatican, which depicted Prince Leonard and Pope John Paul II although the two men never met.).

Transcamster Bog also had a temporary office in Washington, D.C., so it made an commemorative Inauguration Day cover with the Trump stamp cancelled by a special handstamped postmark. Since the stamp was issued on January 20, 2017, the Inauguration Day cover is also a first day cover.

The stamps are imperforate and ungummed (requires glue). 

Transcamster Bog stamps are available on eBay, with sales in U.S. dollars on U.S. eBay and sales in U.K. pounds on U.K. eBay:

If you want to buy in U.S. dollars and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.S. dollars:

If you want to buy in U.K. pounds and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.K. pounds:

2017 Visit to New York / Hillary Clinton (Issued January 19, 2017)

2017 Visit to New York first day cover (click on the image for a larger image)

Transcamster Bog has issued a stamp commemorating the Laird's upcoming visit to New York City. The stamp depicts the Laird and one of New York's most famous residents, Hillary Clinton, former Senator, former Secretary of State, and 2016 Presidential candidate (It is unlikely that the Laird will meet Secretary Clinton during the visit, but she is a local celebrity).

The stamp is imperforate and ungummed (requires glue). 

Transcamster Bog stamps are available on eBay, with sales in U.S. dollars on U.S. eBay and sales in U.K. pounds on U.K. eBay:

If you want to buy in U.S. dollars and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.S. dollars:

If you want to buy in U.K. pounds and add different items to the cart, click here and look for sales in U.K. pounds: